Friday, March 20, 2009

Recessionista, Bargainista

I'll admit that I'm not always the most frugal shopper, but I've made some big changes the past few months (and there are more on the horizon!). We've seen many friends lose jobs in the past year and let's face it, none of us are really immune from what's going on...job losses, 401k's in the toilet, I don't need to remind any of you!

Here's what we're doing to save. How about you?
  • Virtually eliminated eating out, especially picking up breakfast on the way to work or buying lunch! We limit ourselves to one dinner out on the weekends. It's healthier to cook at home too. No more buying groceries in the City either. We buy everything out East and bring it back on Sunday nights.
  • Personal training sessions at Equinox...oh how I loved those sessions! They kicked my butt in to shape in 2006 before the wedding in 2006 and I kept up with them for years after the Big Day. But with a new schedule that revolves around puppy, I'm continuing the core training on my own. Savings = $190/week. Gulp, hope the Husband doesn't see this one!
  • I've always been a Target, TJ Maxx, Old Navy, eBay, Wal-Mart shopper. There were always purchases here and there though that wouldn't exactly fall in to that list. OK, I love nice shoes and bags, and JCrew has always been a weak spot for me. So, we're on a strict, "If it's more than $19.99, you don't buy it!" plan. BTW, if you haven't signed up for eBates yet, get over there and create and account. I've racked up almost $50 in cash since December.
  • We're moving the car to a garage that's $150 less a month! It's 3 blocks away from apartment, so we lose the convenience of just jumping in the elevator to get in the car, but who cares.
  • If our management company doesn't lower our rent 15-20% in a few months, we're out of here. Comparable apartments in the 'hood are renting for $300-500 less a months.Cell phones, car insurance, renters insurance, homeowners around, there are deals everywhere.

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