Sunday, March 8, 2009

In Like a Lion (and hopefully Out Like a Lamb!)

Where did February go? I'm glad it's March because that means warmer weather is around the corner, but that snowstorm last week was a nasty one and a reminder that we have a good 6 weeks before the flip flops come out of hiding!

I had a great trip two weeks ago to see Megan in Columbus. We slept in, went shopping (I scored some big bargains at Old Navy, run over and get them while they last), had some great meals (Tuccis is a must visit if you're in the area), and saw Grandma for a few hours on Sunday.

We packed up Vella on Saturday and went to CT. Thank you Mike, Bonnie, Ryan, Ethan and Leo for a fun afternoon! Vella was jealous that Leo got to run around in the mud. Next time Vella!

This should be a quiet week. I'm looking forward to dinner group on Wednesday night and relaxing out at the house this weekend.

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